The Ocean Mag

Articles to be enjoyed without moderation.

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Portugal to ban deep-sea mining


The Portuguese Parliament has adopted a moratorium banning seabed mining in its territorial waters until 2050.

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83 results

  • prodrones


    Blue Innovation 2mn

    Prodrones is working on seabed modelling using drone imagery...

  • Faune abyssale ifremer

    Protecting the deep seabed: 2025, the ye...

    Abyss 6mn

    A decisive year for the protection of the deep seabed.

  • poisson-clown né à Nausicaa

    Reproduction and the preservation of bio...

    Biodiversity 2mn

    At Nausicaá, reproduction is a necessary step for the preser...

  • Rising sea levels in France in 2040

    The Ocean and the Climate 5mn

    The rise in ocean temperature and the melting of ice is caus...

  • Méduse aurélie Aurelia aurita

    Science or fiction? Bionic jellyfish set...

    Biodiversity 2mn

    And what if tomorrow we got to know the condition of the oce...

  • Selective breeding to restore coral reef...

    Biodiversity 2mn

    Genetic selection is the key to coral restoration.

  • méduse immortelle Turritopsis dohrnii

    Are some jellyfish immortal?

    Biodiversity 1mn

    Some jellyfish, such as Turritopsis dohrnii, have the abilit...

  • murène et crevette nettoyeuse

    Super-cleaning marine animals

    Biodiversity 2mn

    In the ocean, some species are cleaners, and offer their ser...

  • Taking action in our day-to-day lives for the climate

    Taking action in our day-to-day lives fo...

    The Ocean and the Climate 5mn

    The fight against climate change is a vast programme in whic...

  • banc de mérous ile de malpelo

    A treaty on biodiversity in the high sea...

    High Seas 6mn

    Signed by 105 States, the international treaty on the protec...

  • United Nations Ocean Conference 2025: an...

    Year of the Sea 2mn

    Be the voice of the younger generation at the Nice Conferenc...

  • United Nations Ocean Conference 2025: Na...

    Year of the Sea 3mn

    Citizen of the Ocean, the global coalition of young people c...