The Ocean Mag

Articles to be enjoyed without moderation.

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crevette rimicaris Ifremer abysses

14 things you just have to know about the abyss


Find out more about what lies beneath the surface, all the way down to the farthest depths of the ocean.

Search results

70 results

  • quelles menaces pour l'ours polaire ?

    How can the endangered polar bear be sav...

    Biodiversity 4mn

    The polar bear is the largest carnivore in the world, just a...

  • How does the ocean absorb carbon?

    The Ocean and the Climate 2mn

    The ocean plays a fundamental role in regulating the climate...

  • Méduse aurélie Aurelia aurita

    How do jellyfish reproduce?

    Biodiversity 1mn

    The jellyfish, an ancient marine animal, has a particular wa...

  • How many teeth do sharks have?

    Biodiversity 4mn

    A shark would be a dentist's worst enemy !

  • Humpback anglerfish

    Abyss 2mn

    You've heard of it, haven't you? Undoubtedly yes if you have...

  • poisson vipère

    Life in the depths: how do creatures in ...

    Abyss 5mn

    What are the physical characteristics that allow them to sur...

  • Module Lineup ocean dans le grand bassin de nausicaa

    LINEUP OCEAN in Nausicaá’s big tank

    Blue Innovation 3mn

    A dive into the big tank for LINEUP OCEAN, a startup incubat...

  • Remotely operated vehicle Deep Discoverer, Image courtesy of NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration and Research, 2016 Deepwater Exploration of the Marianas

    The Mariana Trench, an adventure 11,000 ...

    Abyss 5mn

    Discover the deepest place on the planet!

  • Marine biomimicry

    Blue Innovation 11mn

    What inspires the invention of flexible microelectrodes or t...

  • Marine currents, the regulators of the c...

    The Ocean and the Climate 4mn

    Life on Earth cannot exist without the ocean.

  • IFREMER (2007). Morceaux de sulfures du site hydrothermal Logatchev. Ifremer.

    Moratorium, precautionary pause or ban o...

    Abyss 4mn

    What does the future hold for the abyss? Deep-sea mining up ...

  • Faune abyssale ifremer

    Nausicaá forum on the deep sea

    Abyss 4mn

    Faced with the threat of deep-sea mining, we must join force...