Oceanic Manta Ray Mobula birostris

Identity card

Oceanic Manta Ray

Scientific name:
Mobula birostris
Year of description:
Walbaum, 1792
IUCN Status:

Annexe II


It is found in tropical areas all over the world and in temperate warm areas of the Atlantic.


It lives close to the surface, at depths of between 0 and 1000 metres.


Giant manta rays can reach 8 metres in length and can weigh up to 1,8 tonnes.


Plankton, small fish and crustaceans.


20 years

Oceanic Manta Ray Mobula birostris

These rays can jump out of the water. It is sometimes when this happens that they give birth to their young.

Despite being harmless to humans, this huge and elegant ray features in many legends, in which it drags boats down into the deep.

In reality, it is very sociable with divers.

Did you know?

Where is the animal to be found ?

It lives close to the surface, at depths of between 0 and 1000 metres. Its distribution is very localised on reefs.

Giant manta rays gather at the highest points, where the currents carry along the plankton on which they feed. They supplement their diet with small fish and crustaceans.

How can it be recognised?

It can be recognised by the two cephalic outgrowths on either side of its mouth.

What is distinctive about it?

The manta ray is ovoviviparous, which means that eggs hatch inside the female’s body. The young are already independent when they come out of the mother’s belly. Mothers generally give birth to one baby at a time.

Threat and protective measure

The oceanic manta ray is protected in over a dozen countries and territories. Fishing still exists in some areas. It also suffers from being caught accidentally. 

Feeding of the Manta ray

Where can I find it at Nausicaá?


Oceanic Manta Ray Mobula bisrostris

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