Plastic Quizz

At the Blue Society Forum, which can be reached from the Nausicaá lobby

Plastic Quizz

Come and learn all about the real impact of plastic on the ocean in an interactive quiz. A scientific mediator will be on hand to answer all your questions and suggest solutions and alternatives.

The "Plastic Quiz" activity is included with your ticket.

Just turn up at the Blue Society Forum, which can be reached from the Nausicaá lobby, at the time indicated on the schedule of activities.

The Ocean Mag

Browse through our Ocean Mag

In the spotlight

10 things you need to know about jellyfish

Found in all the world's seas, the jellyfish intrigues and fascinates. But watch out, you might get burnt !

méduse dorée à nausicaa


How do fish breathe underwater?

That's why fish don't blow bubbles!


Atlantic lookdowns from the breeding programme go to the aquarium in La Rochelle

On 15 July, 40 juvenile Atlantic lookdowns, born thanks to the partnership between Nausicaá and BioNaMeris, will be sent to La Rochelle.